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THE SKI AWARD ROUND-UP: Skis from the 16/17 DPS Quiver Earning Global Media Accolades

Every fall, ski and outdoor magazines give their take on the coming season’s new crop of skis. Their tests are typically conducted the previous spring in ski stations around the globe, with a wide gamut of ski tester types, in all conditions. In the end, awards are given, which in some cases can help guide skiers towards that dedicated pair(s) of skis that they will spend much of their coming season on, and if all goes well, many seasons on—becoming a mainstay in their quiver. Choosing the perfect ski takes most skiers along a path of endless research. In that vein, and in addition to influential signal markers like awards, shop or chairlift anecdotes, and other types of endorsements— we encourage you to give us a call, or your local DPS dealer, to see if further refinement across the DPS line (by construction type, shape, length, intended use etc.) can help your decision and take some of the guesswork out of the process to ensure that you are getting the ideal ski for you. With that said, as follows are some of the top honors that the DPS quiver took this fall.

Pure3 Construction

exposure_pure (1)

Lotus 124, Pure3

-- Gear Guide Selection- Backcountry Magazine

-- 2017 Showcase Ski-

-- 16/17 Gear Guide- Powder Magazine

-- Testers Choice Big Mountain- Skieur - France

-- Ski Remarquable Award- Ski Magazine - France

Wailer 112RP2

--Gear Of The Year- Backcountry Skiing Magazine

      "It’s apparent that these skis are well made and crafted with care. Because of their light weight, they are touring machines. A really great backcountry ski."- Gear Of The Year- Wailer 112RP2, Pure3-Backcountry Skiing Canada Magazine

Zelda 106

-- 2017 Showcase Ski-

Wailer 106

-- Skier’s Choice Award- Powder Magazine

-- Ski Remarquable - Ski Magazine - France

 "A truly classic pow ski, the Zelda features camber underfoot, a rockered tip, aspen wood core, and a stiff carbon laminate that make it the perfect blend of powerful and playful." -- Zelda 106 Pure3-

Learn more about the Pure3 construction

Tour 1 Construction


Wailer 112RP2

-- Editor’s Choice-Backcountry Magazine

-- 2017 Showcase Ski-

-- Best skis of 2016- Backpacker Magazine

-- Gear Guide 2016- Backcountry Skiing Canada Magazine

-- Best Backcountry Skis of the Year- Outside Magazine

-- Gear of the year - Hiking Finland - Finland

“Possibly the best and most well-rounded touring ski on the market.” -- Wailer 112RP2, Tour 1- Backcountry Magazine

Zelda 106

-- Best skis of 2016- Backpacker Magazine

Wailer 106

-- Gear Guide Selection- Backcountry Magazine

“It’s truly a one ski quiver”--Wailer 106/ Zelda 106, Tour1- Backpacker Magazine

Wailer 99

-- Gear Guide Selection- Backcountry Magazine

-- 2017 Showcase Ski-

-- Best Backcountry Ski- Ellis Brigham Mountain Sports - United Kingdom

Learn more about the Tour1 construction



Lotus 124

-- Featured Brand -- Independent Skier Magazine

"Everyday accessibility with powder planing performance and versatility that is easy to ski when the going gets tough, yet still has the DNA to charge."- Foundation, Lotus 124- Independent Skier Magazine

Yvette 112RP2

-- Steals and Deals-

Wailer 112RP2

-- Steals and Deals-

-- Editor’s Pick- Freeskier Magazine

“Blasts like a champ at high speeds but still soft enough to have a great time,” -- Wailer 112, Foundation- Freeskier Magazine

Zelda 106

-- Testers Choice-

-- Test Winner- FriFlyt - Norway

Wailer 106

-- Best Skis of the Year- Outside Magazine

-- Test Winner- FriFlyt - Norway

“It handles like a fat race ski on groomers and a pow ski off-trail.” --Wailer 106, Foundation- Outside Magazine

Nina 99

-- Editor’s Pick- Freeskier Magazine

-- Skier’s Choice Award- Powder Magazine

“Love at first sight... It keeps your weight forward and skis aggressively, but still pivots nicely.” -- Nina 99, Foundation- Powder Magazine

Uschi 82

-- Testers Choice-

"First turns on the Uschi put a grin on my face that didn't go away." -- Uschi 82, Foundation-

Learn more about the Foundation construction
